As of September 4, 2019, it is legal to ride ATV’s on ALL County Roads in Iron County. All County roads (A, B, C, FF, G, H, and J) have been signed to show the changes. Please abide by all ordinances and traffic laws. The Dusty Loons ATV club has worked diligently for many months to get these roads opened up to the ATV community, please ride responsibly! This is a privledge, not a right.
Snowmobiling in Iron County
Iron County Wisconsin has over 200 miles of ATV & UTV trails. The trails are managed by the Dusty Loons ATV Club. Please abide by all laws, codes, and common sense while riding. We want you to come back!
Photo Courtesy of Mercer Dusty Loons ATV Club
Winter Fun
Enjoying the Northwoods of Wisconsin, especially in Iron County where the greatest snowfall in the state is usually recorded. Please be sure to "Feed The Pig". This is a donation jar that helps fund the printing of trail maps and essential operations of the club.